Initial Upload/Release

This game started out as yet another fantasy RPG that I was putting together to run with some friends; eventually I got tired of running fantasy and considered making the system setting-neutral. I proposed this idea to my players, and was ready to start a game involving paranormal investigators in a haunted hotel. However, one of my players challenged me to make the game post-apocalyptic, which I had honestly never considered, and that's how the setting became what it is. Still, I think it's entirely possible to hack the game into any sort of setting with a minimal amount of work.

All that being said, there's probably still some vestigial Fantasy RPG DNA lurking in there.

There is a more or less detailed development log attached to the rules, so if you're interested (for some reason) about how the development progressed, feel free to check that.


Sifters of an Ashen World Core Rules 0.5.2.pdf 1.1 MB
64 days ago

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